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Personnel Committee Minutes April 25, 2006
Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
April 25, 2006                                                          Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                        Jay Weiser
                                                                        Barbara DiBugnara
The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.    Minutes of March 28, 2006 were read and approved.
Margy Diaz provided the Personnel Committee with minor revisions to the job description.  Town Secretary Linda Day revised the job description for Ms. Diaz so that she could deliver the most recent copy to Fire Chief John Stephenson this evening.  
The Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the following Personnel Action Documents:
Jason Puri, Patrolman:  Full Time Recruit Academy Sponsorship.  Employee status changed to full time Patrolman, Step 2 (formerly Reserve Officer).
Yvette Washington, Patrolman:  Annual step increase, step 5
Jacob Vicente, Reserve Officer:  New hire, effective March 22, 2006, Step 1
Daniel Keller, Reserve Officer:  New hire, effective March 22, 2006, Step 1
Mr. Weiser submitted his resignation from the Personnel Committee effective immediately.  Mr. Weiser is relocating out of state and will be unable to fulfill the needs of the Committee.  
Meeting adjourned.